We center our work around the ideas of young people.

We believe that young people hold the keys that can unlock the kind of grassroots change our world needs most. We rally all of our resources and network to empower them with the tools and mindsets they need to create real impact from the bottom up, solving the problems in their communities that they are most passionate about solving.

We apply human-centered design to transform ideas into strategic action.

Our teams approach problem-solving by thinking about who they are trying to impact, rather than what. We value reaching out and listening hard to the populations we are trying to impact, identifying stakeholders needed to drive change, and collaborating to create and test innovative solutions.


Making Sense of Problems

Effective Research

Idea Generation

Asking Hard Questions

Systems Mapping

Making Sense of Problems ✨ Effective Research ✨ Idea Generation ✨ Asking Hard Questions ✨ Systems Mapping ✨

Persuasive Storytelling

Conducting Field Interviews

Navigating Networks

Identifying Key Stakeholders

Building Empathy

Persuasive Storytelling ✨ Conducting Field Interviews ✨ Navigating Networks ✨ Identifying Key Stakeholders ✨ Building Empathy ✨

Money shouldn't be
an obstacle to creating meaningful change.

Thanks to the generous support of our partners, we are able to offer our support to young people, from training to the incubation of ideas.

Good ideas don’t emerge in isolation.

Our model is oriented around teams. We create the space to give young people the experience of meeting and learning with peers and adults across diverse communities, building real-time skills through collaboration with others.