Case Study: Reclaiming East Boston’s Liberty Plaza Park
The “Eastie Coalition” began the year focused on how they could reduce vaping and substance use in their local park, to create a safer environment. Though they had an idea and some initial thoughts, at our December “Brainstorming with LEGO” Summit they visualized their ideas using LEGO. The Eastie team’s initial vision of a safer park added police officers.
And yet, during sharing and discussion, they got some pushback… “why do you need police?”. That feedback pushed them to re-imagine their approach – from one of confrontation to one of engagement. Through SparkShare they developed their skills in listening to their community, and, inspired by their Summit experience they reached out to the very people in the park they were trying to move out of the park, and…they invited them into the park to a series of social events and music. They brought the community together and the park is now more vibrant and welcoming. Substance use is down and other community organizations want to build on their success and expand programs and events.
The park is a safer and more welcoming place.